Cannot Reset User Password


A user cannot log in and you are unable to reset the password for them, encountering one of the following symptoms:

  • The password reset webpage is not displayed properly or the user is re-directed to the main page of your website when clicking on the link in the password reset email.
  • The password reset email is not received.


Submit a request to Symphony Support, including the email of the affected user and the details of the issue you are encountering when trying to reset the password.



Reset the password for your agent account (or create a new dummy account) for the brand's website to reproduce the issue.

    • If you haven't received the password reset email, refer to the article Emails Are Not Delivered.
    • If you have received the password reset email and after opening the link, the web page is not being rendered or displayed properly - elevate the issue to the PS team.
    • If you cannot reproduce the issue, reset the password for the affected user, and ask the brand to confirm.



Try resetting the password for a consumer again - they should receive a password reset email, open a link, and set up a new password.


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