How to Refund an Order


Applying manual refunds is a task often needed when managing customer orders.  Refunding may be required when -but not limited- to the following:

  • The customer never received the order.
  • The order was charged more than once.
  • An item the customer paid has gone out of stock and can't be shipped.
  • The order was cancelled, but the refund was not applied.

This article details the steps required to manually refund an order through the Manage UI.


  1. Navigate to Customer Service > Orders from the Manage main menu.

  2. Type in the Search Bar the number of the order to be cancelled, and click on the order's row in the table to navigate to its details page.

  3. Click on the Payment and Invoice tab.

  4. Click on the Create Refund button

  5. Select if the customer will be refunded through their original payment method (Refund) or with Store Credit.

  6. Select if the refund is a fixed amount or a percentage value. based on his order total.

  7. Enter the refund amount.

  8. Click on Apply Refund.


  9. A banner with a Success message will appear on the top of the page.



  1. Navigate to the Order's Details page and then to the Payment and Invoice tab.

  2. A Transaction History entry at the bottom of the page will indicate the customer received a Refund for his payment.

  3. Depending on the Order Status, the Symphony platform may not allow refunding an order. If this issue is encountered, submit a ticket request to Symphony Help for additional assistance.



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