You may want to retrieve all orders in Pending or Review (On Hold) status including the items and dollar amount per order.
- You can export all pending and in review orders by running the Orders - Pending Orders report (id 36).
Note: If you need to cancel some of the old orders, refer to the article How to Cancel and Refund Order. - If you need more detailed information about orders (e.g., dollar amount), submit a request to Symphony Support specifying for which date range orders need to be retrieved.
- Connect to the database.
- Run the following query for the required brand.
SELECT distinct convert_tz(o.created, 'utc', 'us/pacific') as 'Order Date', o.order_id as 'Order ID',ROUND(s.price/100,2) as 'Order Amount', o.member_id as 'Customer ID', o.product_id as 'SKU', o.productCluster_id as 'Product ID', o.units as 'Quantity', ROUND(o.itemPrice/100,2) as 'Item Price', o.status as 'Item Status',datediff(convert_tz(now(), 'utc', 'us/pacific'), convert_tz(o.created, 'utc', 'us/pacific')) as 'Days Waiting' from VW_O o
JOIN SPOrder s ON s.id = o.order_id where o.site = '<brand>' and (o.status = 'PENDING' or o.status = 'REVIEW') order by 'Days Waiting' desc; - Export the query results as a CSV.
- Filter the orders for the required date range (if needed) and send the file to the brand.
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