You may want to retrieve information about customers with subscriptions that are planned to be shipped during a specific time period (e.g., when no orders will be dispatched due to an audit).
Submit a support request providing the required time range, and our agents will provide the corresponding data.
Note: The report will not include the subscriptions created or modified by brand or end-users between the creation date of the report and the start of the specified period.
- Connect to the database and run the following query for the required brand (e.g., zevia, gendurance, etc.):
SELECT s.id, s.member_id, m.email,m.phone, s.frequency, s.frequencyUnit, ss.nextActionDate, ss.status, s.site
FROM Subscription s, SubscriptionState ss, Member m
WHERE m.id=s.member_id
AND s.site ='<brandname>' and ss.subscription_id=s.id and ss.status='ONGOING'; - Export the results in an XLS/CSV file.
- Open the file and rename the nextActionDate column to Upcoming/1st Cycle or something similar.
- Add 2nd Cycle and 3rd Cycle columns.
- Autofill the column 2nd Cycle by adding values of the frequency and 1st Cycle columns.
- Autofill the column 3rd Cycle by adding values of the frequency and 2nd Cycle columns.
- Filter the end-customers who have an upcoming subscription scheduled during the period specified by the brand.
You can also use conditional formatting to highlight matching dates from different cycles. - Save the updated file and send it to the requester in a secure way (e.g., password-protected archive).
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