You may need to mark an order as shipped when it was already shipped but the status didn't change automatically.
- From Symphony Manage, navigate to Customer Service > Orders.
- Find the required order using its ID and open it.
- Select all items and click Mark As Shipped.
- On the right pane:
- Select the carrier and shipping method.
- Enter the tracking number.
- Click Update.
- If you get any errors - submit a request to Symphony Support to change the status of the order to Shipped from the backend, including the number of the order.
If the status wasn't changed to Shipped automatically for multiple orders, elevate the case to the SaaS team for investigation.
- Connect to the database.
- Run the following queries to check the current status of the order and retrieve the data required to build the UPDATE queries (in step 3).
Note: The order may trigger an error when updated from Manage when its status is different in the DB tables. For examples, the status in the VictoryLineItem table is in 'WAREHOUSE', whereas the status in the FulfillmentOrder table is in 'PENDING', and in the FulfillmentShipment table it is in the 'VOIDED' state.
select * from SPOrder where id = <Order ID>
select * from VictoryLineItem where id = <Order ID>
select * from FulfillmentShipment where orderId = <Order ID>
select * from FulfillmentOrder where order_id = <Order ID>
- Create a Change Request Jira under the SPC product including the following queries.
SET status='SHIPPED'
WHERE id = <Order ID>; -
UPDATE VictoryLineItem
SET status='SHIPPED'
WHERE victory_id = <Victory ID retrieved from the SPOrder table in step 2>
AND id = <Order ID>;
Note: If you need to add tracking number and carrier, use the following query instead:
UPDATE VictoryLineItem
SET status='SHIPPED',
shippingMethod='<carrier provided by the brand>',
trackingCode=<tracking number provided by the brand>
WHERE victory_id = <Victory ID retrieved from the SPOrder table in step 2>
AND id = <Order ID>; -
UPDATE FulfillmentShipment
SET status='SHIPPED'
WHERE id = <id retrieved from the FulfillmentShipment table in step 2>; -
UPDATE FulfillmentOrder
WHERE id = <id retrieved from the FulfillmentOrder table in step 2>;
- Once the Jira is complete - run ES Sync API call in Postman using the POST method:
https://manage.symphonycommerce.com/org/partner/api/v1/search/order?subdomain=<brand>&fromId=<order number>&toId=<order number>
From Symphony Manage, navigate to Customer Service > Orders and locate the corresponding order - it should have the Shipped status.
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